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USA Pronta Entrega

Preço: R$105,69

Prazo de postagem: Normalmente 1 dia(s)     Índice de atendimento: 99%


Ficha Técnica

  • Número de Catálogo: 1414
  • Categoria: Musica Popular
  • Sub-categoria: ROCK
  • Data de Lançamento: 12/07/2024
  • Código de Barras: 802439114142


  • Observações:
    2024 release. In the midst of their final tour - THE BIG FINISH - MR. BIG, inspired by the legions of fans that shared in their goodbye over the past year, wanted to say a final farewell with the undertaking of a brand-new studio album. Culminating over three decades of musical partnership, Martin, Gilbert, and Sheehan, with the help of newcomer Nick D'Virgilio, ignite their spark once more and take a new form with Ten. The entirety of the album, recorded both live in the studio and on the tour bus, showcases the band's unique ability to compose homegrown hard rock 'n' roll and their consistent success in climbing new musical heights.


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